Christian Alphabet: D

Delivered!  We’re working our way through the Alphabet Of Christianity.  David said, I sought the Lord, and He answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4) We need David’s personal testimony because of the many f-f-f-fear factors in our...

Christian Alphabet: X

Welcome! We’re on the move again. Making progress using God’s alphabet of Christian living as found or illustrated in the Bible. Today’s letter is “X”. X often stands for the “unknown factor”. Many times the “X...

Christian Alphabet: W

Welcome back to the journey we’re making together. God’s alphabet of Christian living is guiding our steps. Today’s life letter is W – Win! It’s all about “winning the respect of others”. The Scripture (I Thessalonians 4:12)...

Christian Alphabet: V

Welcome once again, let’s move ahead together with God and His enabling truths on the road to VICTORY, using the Bible’s Christian alphabet. We all must “fight the good fight” or become a victim of weakness within our self, Satan’s...

Christian Alphabet: U

UNBELIEF! Welcome back, we’re movin’ ahead with God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and God’s Holy Spirit. God is moving in all directions every day. We want to move with Him because He’s going where nobody else can take us. We want to go!...