Find Out What Pleases God!

Greeting in Christ’s name. Apostle Paul said, “Find out what pleases the Lord.”(Ephesians 5:10b) Here’s a deeper thought for a greater life: If you please God it doesn’t matter who you displease. If you displease God it doesn’t...

Resolving to Follow Christ

Greeting in Christ’s name. We’ve arrived at the 11th day of 2010 – how’s your resolve holding up? It’s said that most resolvers abandon their resolutions after the third week of the new year. As I shared with you last week, at Gateway...

Light Year 2010

We’ve entered 2010 already! Sounds futuristic doesn’t it? The future is here. Have you made a significant Christian resolution for your new year, your new life? I encourage you to consider committing to this one: I resolve to follow Christ and walk in His...