Thanks for coming alongside – we’re sharing transforming truths as we travel the Alphabet Of Christianity highway together. Let’s road test letter H – harvest. Jesus spoke weighty words regarding the harvest of souls“Jesus went through all the towns and villages…preaching the good news of the kingdom…when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd…he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’.” (Matthew 9:35ff)

Harvesting is a labor of love and a happy time. We plant gospel seeds in the soil/souls of others with care. The field is the world, the seed is the Word of God. And the harvest? Seeing others changed forever by welcoming Christ and His gospel with personal, saving faith – saved by God’s amazing grace and heavenbound with us – an exciting harvest! We’re seed-planters, seed nurturers and harvesters.

Here’s a harvester’s questionnaire inspiring us to see those lives God connects us with daily with new vision and value:

  1. Am I seriously happy and optimistically spreading “seed truths” of Jesus’ gospel?
  2. Am I motivated by “crowd compassion”? Jesus saw the harassed and helpless crowds as wandering sheep – shepherdless.
  3. Am I one of the few working alongside Jesus or am I one of the reasons there are so few workers?
  4. Do I believe that the harvest is plentiful – plenty of people around me who are pre-Christians – who need my words to bring them home to God?
  5. Am I praying that God will send workers into the harvest field – including one that looks like, talks like, walks like, acts like, loves like me?
  6. Do I understand the value of a human soul to God and the awful consequences of sin – separation from God without remedy without Christ?
  7. Am I willing to become a co-laborer with Christ and other Christians – even transforming my attitudes, fears and self-interests for my mission?
  8. Will I help another, as someone labored in the harvest field for my own soul – passing it forward?
  9. Have I embraced my spiritual assignment as an ambassador for Christ, desiring to be somebody’s heavenly connection in my field of faith?
  10. Have I learned to labor naturally yet supernaturally as God’s harvester in the power of the Holy Spirit, leaving the results to God!?

I’d love to hear about your harvest efforts – big or little. Or perhaps you have a harvest question we can address together. Email me if you’d like.

Alongside Him, Chuck Brannon